Blog / Database

PostgreSQL Database Restore Commands

June 11, 2018

I've been finding myself doing restores from db backups to my local development more often recently as I've been building dashboard pages for a client and I want to have real data locally so I can get a better idea of what it will look like in production.

I also have a bunch of projects in production with real users and it's good to test-restore their backups at least once a month to make sure …

How to add full-text search to your Django app (with a PostgreSQL backend)

September 25, 2017

In Django 1.10, the module was added to make it really easy to use PostgreSQL's full text search engine with a Django app.

I currently use it for this blog, Remote Python's job and developer search, and our knowledge base for Highview Apps. I'm really impressed with how good the search is and how little code is needed to get it working. Unless you have huge amounts of data/traffic and need really …

Migrating a Django app from MySQL to PostgreSQL

November 6, 2014

We just finished migrating the database for our Django 1.6 app from MySQL to PostgreSQL. If you have a clean environment this process is as simple as running syncdb and/or migrate to create the tables, truncating the data in those tables, and running the dumpdata and loaddata management commands.

Here are the steps to do this:

Step 1: Create an empty database in your PostgreSQL instance

CREATE DATABASE dbname OWNER rolename;

Step 2: Create a …

A simple Python script for backing up a PostgreSQL database and uploading it to Amazon S3

January 10, 2014

Here’s a very simple Python script I currently use to create a compressed PostgreSQL database backup for my Django app. Since my database is very small and I don’t see it becoming big anytime soon, I create the backup locally and send a copy to Amazon S3.

To keep it very simple, I have it set to do hourly backups for 24 hours and daily backups for 1 year (365 days). For the hourly …

Error Message: “Peer authentication failed for user ‘username’” when connecting to a PostgreSQL database from a Django application

December 4, 2012

Error Message:

psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “username”

I was setting up a friend’s project on my Ubuntu 12.04 laptop last night and ran into this database connection problem when I tried to ran his Django application.

There are actually 2 solutions to this problem:

Solution 1:

In your file, in the database settings, set the ‘HOST’ to ‘localhost’ instead of an empty string.

Solution 2:

Modify the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf file and change …
