Blog / Books

The Best Books I Read in 2018

February 3, 2019

I was just going through some of the highlights I made on my Kindle to reflect on some lessons and insights I've learned from a bunch of books I read last year and thought I should write a blog post about the best ones.

Below are 6 of the best books I read in 2018. Many of these I'd probably come back to again in the future.

1. The Internet of Money Vol. 1 & …

Creating a simple 'Reading List' app in Django with Amazon's Product Advertising API

April 2, 2015

I had been using Shelfari for a few years to keep track of books I've read and plan to read. I really liked the website's interface and they had this nice widget that lets you display a bookshelf of your reading list on your blog. But when I forced SSL on my blog, it stopped working. The widget doesn't work over https.

I then looked for other widgets and tried Amazon's widget. But their widget …

Book Notes: "Antifragile"

February 16, 2015

I read Nassim Nicolas Taleb's latest book, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, a few months ago and it easily became one of my favorite books. I liked the way he explained things and he covered many topics that are very relevant today. I'm actually re-reading parts of it right now. I figured I'll take this time to share my notes in a blog post.


Less is more and usually more effective.

A …