Blog / Python

Display a message to your users while waiting for a file download with jQuery File Download

November 6, 2016

jQuery Filedownload EZ Exporter Shopify App

Our Shopify app, EZ Exporter, provides an option for users to download reports on demand from the app's main page. Since it could take some time to generate the report in the background depending on the data, we needed a way to let the user know that the task is currently in progress so they don't reload the page or do something else thinking that nothing is happening. We also wanted to block the …

Setting up an FTP server on Ubuntu using vsftpd and connecting to it using Python's ftplib module

October 13, 2016

I know what you're thinking, "Who in the world still uses FTP these days?". If you were born after year 2000, you may not even have heard of FTP before.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) was a popular way to share files back in the AOL days. People will set up these FTP servers where you can upload and download files. I remember spending so much time in chat rooms during my teenage years asking around …

Local Django development with Docker and Python 3.5

September 18, 2016

I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day about new Shopify apps to build with Django. We decided it's finally time to start using Python 3.

Python 3 was actually released almost 8 years ago (and the programming language itself is over 25 years old!). But adoption had been slow due to backwards incompatibility with previous versions. There are tons of third-party Python libraries and if your project uses one of these …

Adding a Time Zone setting to your Django app

October 29, 2015

I'm currently working with a friend of mine on a Django app for Amazon sellers to automatically reprice their product listings. One of the features of the app is to show the price change history of their listings. Since they would want to see the timestamp of when the change occurred, we added a setting for them to set their Time Zone so they won't have to do time adjustments in their head.

We store …

Certificate verify failure with version 2015.9.6.2 of the certifi package

October 12, 2015

I just spent the past hour trying to troubleshoot this error message I was getting from the requests package when communicating with the MailChimp API:

SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

I just provisioned a production server running Ubuntu 14.04 x64 for a new Django project and had been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why it was throwing this error when our stage server works perfectly. Finally I decided to …