Blog / Gear

6 Reasons to Bring a Pair of Jeans on your RTW Trip

January 21, 2013

When I was planning what to pack for my RTW trip, one thing that I was definitely sure I wouldn’t bring was a pair of jeans. I brought 2 travel pants with me instead due to the following reasons:

1. Jeans take up a lot of room.

2. Are heavy.

3. Hard to wash.

4. Take a long time to dry.

I focused too much on the disadvantages that I didn’t realize until about 7 …

Traveling low tech with a pen and a Moleskine notebook

December 31, 2012

I’ve been relying heavily on my pen and Moleskine notebook for the last few weeks. I brought them with me mainly for recording names, phone numbers, or addresses of hostels, restaurants, and attractions I plan to visit when arriving in a new city in a poor country, where using a smartphone might make you a target of robbery.

For everything else, my Dell Streak Android phone with the Evernote app had been my primary tools. …

My RTW Trip Packing List

July 30, 2012

I meant to publish this post right before I started my RTW trip, but gotten lazy and been putting it off. On the other hand, since I've been on the road for a while now (over 6 months), I can give you additional information about how they performed and how much I've used them :).


They say your backpack is your home when traveling, so I gave it a lot of thoughts when choosing …

Travel lighter with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps All-One

December 30, 2011

Ever since I decided to travel the world, I’ve been looking for ways to do it with as little stuff as possible. After a few test runs traveling with just a carry-on, I’m now a big believer that the less stuff you take with you the more fun you’ll have on the road.

I was searching for a soap that I could use both as a shampoo and body wash, but what I found …

Choosing a Kindle for travel

November 14, 2011

I finally bought a Kindle!

I’ve been thinking about getting one for a while now. My sister has one and I’ve been borrowing hers when I go hiking as my Dell Streak‘s screen is just not readable in bright sunlight due to glare. I always question myself before I buy anything nowadays to make sure it’s something I will really be using.

I’ll be traveling long term out of the country in January and …
