Blog / Tech

How to check if your Python app supports TLS 1.2

June 3, 2018

As you may have already heard, the Payment Card Industry (PCI) will be requiring everyone to use at least TLS 1.1 (1.2 is recommended) to meet their data security standard starting on June 30, 2018. Other services, such as PyPI, will be requiring only TLS 1.2 connections on the same date as well.

You need to make sure that the version of Python you're using and related packages support TLS 1.2 or a bunch …

How to find the Wi-Fi network password (and other settings) via command line in Ubuntu

February 7, 2018

While you can get this information via the "Network Connections" GUI, it could come in handy sometimes to know where this is located. For example, you might want to write a script to display the SSID and passwords of all the Wi-Fi networks you've connected to.

Basically, all the network connections are saved under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections in Ubuntu in separate configuration files. If you want to delete all the Wi-Fi settings in bulk (for privacy reasons …

How to delete all queues in RabbitMQ

January 21, 2018

I recently had to do this for one of my older Django projects that uses Celery as I made the mistake of using the broker as the result backend.

Using "amqp" as the result backend is not recommended in production as this will create a queue for each task. I noticed I was getting a warning for the file descriptors in the RabbitMQ web management dashboard.

From the web management (available by installing the management …

How to use proxies with an HTTP session using the Python requests package

December 26, 2017

I was working on a client project yesterday where I needed to use a proxy to make HTTP requests with the Python requests package.

In my use case, I needed to create a session and I wanted to just specify the proxy settings in one place and use that for all requests made through that session. I didn't see how to do this in the documentation so I thought I'd share my solution here.

Here's …

Using SSH Agent Forwarding with Ansible

December 24, 2017

I've been using SSH agent forwarding with Ansible for the last few projects I've been working on and I thought I'd just share my setup here.

The neat thing with SSH agent forwarding is not having to store your SSH keys on your servers when pulling down your Git repo during deployment.

For example, I can deploy new code to my servers through Ansible from my local machine using my local SSH keys. The servers …