Blog / Ansible

Ansible Playbook for a Django Stack (Nginx, Gunicorn, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Virtualenv, Supervisor)

April 20, 2014

I decided to create a separate GitHub project for the Ansible playbook I'm currently using to fully provision a production server for my open-source app, GlucoseTracker, so it can be reused by people who are using the same stack.

You can download the playbook here:

The playbook can fully provision an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server (will test 14.04 soon) from the base image with the following applications, which are quite popular in the …

How to deploy encrypted copies of your SSL keys and other files with Ansible and OpenSSL

April 5, 2014

I've been working on fully automating server provisioning and deployment of my Django app, GlucoseTracker, the last couple of weeks with Ansible. Since I made this project open-source, I needed to make sure that passwords, secret keys, and other sensitive information are encrypted when I push my code to my repository.

Of course, I have the option to not commit them to the repo, but I want to be able to build …

Django Tip: How to configure Gunicorn to auto-reload your code during development

March 30, 2014

I just finished fully automating my entire server stack for my Django app with Ansible and Vagrant (using VirtualBox). One of the reasons I did this is to make my development environment as close to production as possible to hopefully eliminate any surprises when deploying to production. It also allows me to setup a development environment very quickly as I won’t have to deal with manual installation and configuration of different packages. In a team …
